Mental Health Consulations

Mental Illness many a times is not a quick fix. It's not like a cold or a cut, in which can be patched up and forgot about. Many a times, Mental Illness is an ongoing recovery process or a part of people lives. We have plans that can help those who need ongoing help.

We offer comprehensive consultations where we can either point you to options for help, or set up a schedule for us to be on call and available to help you work through the process, for help in managing and overcoming mental illness.

Mental Health ConsultationPartial Consultation

With Partial Consultation, we can point you to options of which will help you in the process of managing and overcoming Mental Illness.

Complete Consultation

When you request a Complete Consultation, we can set up a schedule in which we are on call and available to help you work through the process of managing and overcoming Mental Illness.

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